
The Savviest Way To Plan and Pay for What Matters

(For the High-Value Purchases That You Need or Want)

Now, you could pay 25% in credit card interest to earn 1.5% cash back…or you could just earn cash back.

Clusivi is a new and innovative way to plan and pay for the high-value services that meaningfully improve your life.

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What are "High-Value Purchases?"


Typically starting at $1,000


Fulfill Strong Goals

Meaningfully improve people’s lives (personally and professionally)

Planned For In Advance

Usually received at a future date

Create Long-Term Satisfaction

Do not cause buyer’s remorse (like retail impulse purchases often do)

Clusivi is the savvy payment solution to remove price as a barrier and enhance your purchasing power.

How It Works

Step 1

Create an account that includes information on what you’re purchasing, who you’re purchasing from, and the total price.

Step 2

Make a down payment and set your automated prepayment schedule and completion date.

Step 3

Clusivi gives you cash back on your prepayments toward the total price of your high-value purchase.


Access high-value purchases that might otherwise be out of your financial reach.
Be rewarded for the responsible financial habits you develop with Clusivi.
Make the most of your money and minimize debt.
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